40W OEM HP Mini 210 Charger 19V 2.05A
Sometimes it is necessary to pick up a spare part for any laptop. For the HP Mini, getting a separate charger may be necessary if work sometimes takes an individual on the road. To get the best quality HP Mini 110 battery charger for much less than getting it through the manufacturer, compatible chargers are the way to go. A replacement for the 40w OEM HP Mini 210 charger that is completely compatible will work exactly as the original charger does. The same specifications are used to create and build the compatible OEM HP Mini 210 laptop adapter so there is no worrying about a working charger.
Checking the adapter model and laptop model numbers is important to get the right adapter for HP Mini 210, 1000 and 493092-002. The new adapter should have the same voltage as the original and the same model number compatibility to work well.